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Plan Ahead for Caregiving: A Practical & Emotional Guide

Adult Enrichment / Wellness & Life -
Spring 2024

Most caregivers enter their role with little or no planning. Instead, a crisis arises, making the situation extremely challenging and stressful. If you are an adult child who is noticing aging-related physical and/or mental or cognitive deterioration in an older relative, learn a practical step-by-step approach to planning for caregiving. In the first session we’ll cover key topics to help you evaluate your loved one’s situation and when to step in to offer support; what your conversation should consist of and topics to cover; setting up a plan collaboratively; and services and resources for older adults. In the second session we’ll address ways of managing the emotional challenges that many caregivers experience including what it means to be a caregiver, caregiver stress syndrome, how to manage stress, and services and resources for caregivers.

Julie A Norstrand

Julie Norstrand, Ph.D., has worked with older adults and families in hospitals and community settings. Her clinical, academic and research expertise, spanning over 15 years, has given her an in-depth knowledge of the constraints on the family when the older adult starts to require assistance in order to stay safely in their own home. 

WE-CANCELLED Caregiving Full

  Julie A Norstrand

Thu Apr 25 & Thu May 2
6:30 - 8:30 PM


Min Age   18 yr.

Price: $ 59 00
