Classes are for students 18+ unless otherwise noted.
Fees are for one adult and one child unless otherwise noted. Please register under adult’s name.
Classes for high school students
The horticulturist at one of the country’s premier golf courses definitely knows a thing or two about how to care for lawns. Come hear Bruce Wenning (of Brooklineʼs famous The Country Club!) share his ecologically safe and economical practices for lawn care as he shows you everything you can do to ensure a great lawn. This workshop covers the basics of organic lawn care, including the importance of soil testing to know its pH and fertility, non-chemical control of insect pests and weeds, and other practices that promote and maintain a healthy lawn.
Bruce Wenning has university degrees in plant pathology and entomology and is the horticulturist at The Country Club in Brookline. He has used eco-conscious gardening and landscaping practices for more than 25 years.
Bruce Wenning