Classes are for students 18+ unless otherwise noted.
Fees are for one adult and one child unless otherwise noted. Please register under adult’s name.
Classes for high school students
Discover the vibrant culture of Mexico and learn some Spanish as we create colorful crafts like flor de piñas (pineapple flowers) from Oaxaca and máscaras (masks) for the danza de los viejitos (dance of the little old men) from Michoacán. We’ll play traditional games like papa caliente (hot potato), zapatito (little shoe), and abeja buzz (buzzy bee) and whip up delicious treats like cheesy quesadillas and fruity calientito. As we explore the richness of Mexican traditions, we’ll learn the basic Spanish words for ingredients, numbers, and colors—y más!
Descubre la vibrante cultura Mexicana mientras aprendes español básico. Juntos crearemos coloridas manualidades como Piñas decoradas y mascaras de colores que usaremos para la danza de los viejitos (Michoacán) y Flor de piña (Oaxaca). Jugaremos juegos simples como papa calienta, zapatito y abeja buzz, disfrutaremos comida como quesadillas y bebidas tradicionales como caliento. Mientras exploramos la rica cultura Mexicana aprenderemos español básico, colores, numero, ingredientes, emociones y mas…
Grecia Delgado a proud Mexican-American after school teacher who is passionate about sharing and incorporating culture in education. Her previous experience working with neurodivergent kids makes Grecia believe in incorporating kindness, flexibility and self-advocacy in her teaching style.
Grecia Delgado