Classes are for students 18+ unless otherwise noted.
Fees are for one adult and one child unless otherwise noted. Please register under adult’s name.
Classes for high school students
Let your imagination run wild. Build projects such as trains, helicopters, and treehouses with thousands of LEGO. From building robots and engineering structures to creating simple machines and conducting experiments, this class will inspire you to look at LEGOs in a whole different way.
At Play-Well TEKnologies, we know that kids are already naturally gifted creators. What we strive to provide is an environment where students can create without fear of mistakes, explore fundamental STEM concepts through play, and express their creativity in ways they never thought possible. With tens of thousands of LEGO® pieces and the guidance of our passionate instructors, the possibilities are truly endless!
Play-Well TEKnologies
No Class Feb 18
Already started
No Class Feb 21