Classes are for students 18+ unless otherwise noted.
Fees are for one adult and one child unless otherwise noted. Please register under adult’s name.
Classes for high school students
Flannery O’Connor said that anyone who survived childhood had enough material to write for the rest of their life. While that may be true, it still takes some effort to turn those experiences into fiction. We’ll read published stories and complete in-class writing and brainstorming assignments to mine personal experience, current events, and history for new short stories or novels. You will have a chance to workshop one or two that you’ve written and receive feedback from the instructor and classmates. This class is appropriate for new and experienced writers. Everyone has a story to tell—let’s find out what yours is!
Kayleigh Shoen holds an MFA from Emerson College and has been published in over a dozen literary magazines. Visit Kayleigh’s website, for her complete teaching and publication history.
Kayleigh Shoen
No Class Feb 18
Online registration is over