Classes are for students 18+ unless otherwise noted.
Fees are for one adult and one child unless otherwise noted. Please register under adult’s name.
Classes for high school students
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Discover the delightful genre of writing stories for kids. We’ll use in-class prompts—everything from starter sentences and evocative images to magical and inanimate objects—to ignite your creativity and help you generate new work. Then, you’ll have the opportunity to share your work and give and receive constructive feedback in a low-pressure atmosphere. Optional take-home exercises will keep you motivated and writing during the week. Whether you want to write for publication, yourself, or your grandkids, or simply explore the world of children’s literature, get the tools and confidence to craft tales that will captivate young minds.
Tina Tocco is a Pushcart Prize nominee. Her work for children has been published in Highlights, Cricket, Humpty Dumpty, AppleSeeds, Odyssey, Cadet Quest, and other magazines. In 2019, Kelsay Books released her children’s poetry collection, The Hungry Snowman and Other Poems. Tina’s story “The Unknown Soldier” appears in the middle-grade horror anthology The Haunted States of America (SCBWI-Henry Holt, 2024). Tina earned her MFA in creative writing from Manhattanville University. She teaches online at GrubStreet, Hugo House, Literary Cleveland, Indiana Writers Center, Hudson Valley Writers Center, Westport Writers' Workshop, and other writing organizations around the country.
Tina Tocco
No Class Oct 14